12 DNA Variations Linked to Increased Suicide Risk
Suicide and Genetics:A new study in the journal Nature Medicine has found 12 changes in DNA that are linked to a higher risk of suicide. The study’s results suggest that suicide may have a genetic component. This could lead to new ways to find and stop suicide.
The study looked at the DNA of more than 400,000 people, some of whom had tried to kill themselves and some of whom had not. The researchers found that 12 different types of DNA were linked to a higher risk of suicide. Different copies of DNA can cause changes in the brain that help control mood, resist impulses, and make decisions.
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12 DNA Variations Linked to Increased Suicide Risk: The study’s results are important because they help us learn more about the things that put people at risk for suicide. With this information, people could come up with new ways to spot and stop suicide. For instance, the researchers think that genetic testing could be used to find people who are more likely to commit suicide so that they can get help and support right away.
Please keep in mind that the study’s results do not imply that all people with these DNA variations will end their lives. The chance of committing suicide is complicated and depends on many things, such as genes, environment, and life experiences.
12 DNA Variations Linked to Increased Suicide Risk: The study’s results are a good step towards better understanding suicide and stopping it. But more research is needed to make sure of the results and come up with new ways to spot and stop suicide.
What you can do to lower your risk of suicide
12 DNA Variations Linked to Increased Suicide Risk
There are a few things you can do to lower your risk of suicide if you are worried about it:
- You should tell someone you trust how you feel. This person could be a family member, friend, therapist, or other health care worker.
- If you are having suicidal thoughts, you should get help from a professional. There are many people and places that can help you, such as suicide hotlines, mental health professionals, and support groups.
- Stay away from drugs and alcohol because they can make suicidal thoughts worse.
- Make a plan for what to do if you feel like killing yourself. As part of this plan, you might call a suicide hotline, talk to someone you trust, or go to a safe place.
- What you can do to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts
There are a few things you can do to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts:
12 DNA Variations Linked to Increased Suicide Risk
- No matter what, just listen to them. Show them that you care and are there for them.
- Tell them they should get help from a professional. There are many things that can help them, such as suicide hotlines, mental health professionals, and support groups.
- Help them make a plan for safety. You could call a suicide hotline, get in touch with you, or go to a safe place as part of this plan.
- Please know that you are not alone if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts. Some people want to help you and care about you. Please ask for help right now.