7 Sitting Poses to Burn Belly Fat Quickly: Flatten Your Tummy in Just 15 Minutes a Day!

7 Sitting Poses to Burn Belly Fat Quickly

Although it’s one of the hardest types of fat to lose, belly fat is also one of the most significant. Heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes are among the health issues that are associated with belly fat. Finding quick and efficient methods to burn belly fat is crucial for this reason.

Yoga is a fantastic method for burning belly fat. In addition to being easy on the joints and low impact, yoga is an excellent way to tone the body and burn calories. The best thing is that you can practice yoga poses while seated!

7 Sitting Poses to Burn Belly Fat Quickly that are ideal for burning belly fat are shared in this article. These are simple, anywhere, anytime poses that are easy to perform.

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7 Sitting Poses to Burn Belly Fat Quickly:

  1. Boat Pose (Navasana): Burning belly fat and strengthening the core are two benefits of this pos

Stretch your legs out in front of you while sitting on the floor to perform the boat pose. Keeping your knees bent, slant your back a little and lift your legs off the ground. Put your arms out in front of you with the palms facing down. Take a 30- to 60-second break from the position.

  1. Bharatakrasana: (Sitting Twist)A great pose to help reduce belly fat is the seated twist, which also benefits the internal organs and improves digestion.

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed to perform the seated twist. Left hand on the ground behind you, right hand on the outside of left knee. Move your elbow from your right to your left knee while twisting your torso to the right. After maintaining the posture for 30 to 60 seconds, switch to the other side.

Paschimottanasana, or the Seated Forward BendA great pose to help with posture and belly fat reduction is the seated forward bend, which stretches the back muscles and hamstrings.

Stretch your legs out in front of you while sitting on the floor to perform the seated forward bend. While maintaining a straight back, bend forward from the hips. Make a hand gesture toward your toes. Take a 30- to 60-second break from the position.

  1. Adha Konasana, or Butterfly PoseStretching the muscles in the groin and inner thighs with the butterfly pose can help to improve hip mobility and decrease belly fat.

Seated on the floor, bend your knees and press the soles of your feet together to perform the butterfly pose. As you lower your heels toward your body, raise and lower your feet like butterfly wings. Take a 30- to 60-second break from the position.

  1. Bridge Pose (Svarasana Setu Bandha)Assisting in the reduction of belly fat, the bridge pose is an excellent way to strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart, to perform the bridge pose. Elevate your hips from the ground until your torso forms a straight line connecting your shoulders and knees. Take a 30- to 60-second break from the position.

  1. Side Wind Relief Pose (Pavanamuktasana)Poses that improve digestion and massage internal organs are excellent ways to reduce belly fat. One such pose is the wind-reliever.

In order to perform the wind-relieving pose, lay on your back with your feet hip-width apart and your knees bent. Encircle your knees with your arms and raise them to your chest. Rock gently back and forth. Take a 30- to 60-second break from the position.

  1. The Upavistha Konasana Leg Raise A great pose to strengthen the core muscles is the leg raise.


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