Exercise for Diabetes: Your Guide to Lower Blood Sugar & Boost Your Health

Diabetes Exercise Recommendations

Get Your Body Moving, Control Your Diabetes: Exercise Guidelines for a Healthier Life

One of the most important aspects of treating diabetes is exercise. It enhances general health, elevates mood, and helps control blood sugar levels. This book looks at the advantages of exercise for people with diabetes, suggests activities for varying levels of activity, and gives advice on how to fit exercise into your everyday schedule.

AJGP 04 2020 Focus Radford Feature

The Benefits of Exercise in the Management of Diabetes:

Diabetes Exercise Recommendations

  • Reduce Blood Sugar Levels: Exercise improves muscle glucose absorption, which enhances glycemic management.
  • Boosts Insulin Sensitivity: Consistent exercise increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin, which helps it function better.
  • Weight Control: Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for managing diabetes. Exercise can assist.
  • Lowers Complication Risk: Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other complications associated with diabetes.
  • Boosts Energy: Engaging in physical activity might help you feel more physically strong and energised.
  • Enhances Mood and Well-Being: Exercise lowers stress and promotes mental health, all of which are beneficial for managing diabetes.

How Much Exercise Is Necessary?

Diabetes Exercise Recommendations

As advised by the American Diabetes Association (ADA):

  • Try to get in at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-to-intense aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of strenuous aerobic activity.
  • For best results, space out your activities throughout the course of the week.
  • Make time each week for at least two days dedicated to muscle-building exercises.

Vigorous VS Moderate Exercise:

Diabetes Exercise Recommendations

  • Moderate-intensity: You can exercise (brisk walking, swimming, cycling) and yet carry on a conversation.
  • Intensive: When engaging in vigorous physical activity (jogging, running uphill, or extreme sports), speaking becomes challenging.

Getting Started with Exercise:

Diabetes Exercise Recommendations

  • See Your Doctor: To make sure a new workout regimen is safe and suitable for your health, speak with your doctor before beginning.
  • Start Slowly: As your level of fitness increases, start with shorter durations and progressively increase both intensity and duration.
  • Discover Interest-Based Activities: Select pursuits that you enjoy and can maintain over time. This might be anything you enjoy doing, such as dancing, swimming, yoga, or strolling.
  • Divide it Up: If a 30-minute workout seems too long, divide it up into three 10-minute walks spread out throughout the day.
  • Develop a Habit: Maintaining consistency is essential. Make an effort to move most days of the week.

Extra Advice on Maintaining Your Lifestyle Despite Diabetes:

Diabetes Exercise Recommendations

  • Monitor Blood Sugar: If you take insulin, pay particular attention to your blood sugar levels before, during, and after exercise.
  • Wear the Right Clothes and Shoes: For the activity you have chosen, opt for relaxed attire and supportive shoes.
  • Hydrate: To stay hydrated, sip on lots of water prior to, during, and following physical activity.
  • Be Ready: Bring glucose pills or snacks in case your blood sugar decreases while you’re working out.
  • Pay Attention to Your Body: Observe your body’s cues and take breaks when necessary.


Diabetes Exercise Recommendations

It’s not necessary to hate working out. Choose things you like to do, work them into your schedule, and acknowledge your successes. Physical activity can be an effective tool for managing your diabetes and enjoying a healthy, satisfying life provided you put in the necessary effort and use the appropriate strategy.

Notice: This information is not meant to replace expert medical advice; rather, it is meant mainly for general awareness. Always discuss your particular case with your doctor, and heed their advice.


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