Earthquake In Colombia Authorities Investigating Damage
On September 14, 2023, at around 02:01 AM, a magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck Santander Department, Colombia. The earthquake’s epicenter was around 11 kilometers (7 miles) northwest of Cepita, Colombia.
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Earthquake In Colombia: Several cities in Santander Department, including Bucaramanga, Piedecuesta, and Floridablanca, were affected by the earthquake. So yet, no damage or injuries have been reported.
The quake happened in a seismically active area. Colombia is located on the subducting Caribbean Plate beneath the South American Plate. Many of the earthquakes that occur in Colombia are caused by this subduction zone.
The earthquake serves as a reminder of the risks of living in a seismically active area. It is critical to be prepared for earthquakes by developing an emergency plan.
Earthquake In Colombia: The most important thing to do in an earthquake is to remain calm and seek shelter. Drop to the ground and seek cover under a sturdy table or desk until the shaking stops.
Earthquake In Colombia: You should also be mindful of the risks associated with aftershocks. Smaller earthquakes that occur following a major earthquake are known as aftershocks. They can be just as dangerous as the original earthquake, so keep vigilant and take measures long after the shaking stops.