Stop the Flu in Its Tracks: Handwashing, Coughing Etiquette & Social Distancing

Flu Prevention Tips

Stop the Spread: Crucial Measures for Preventing Influenza

The highly contagious respiratory disease known as influenza, sometimes referred to as the flu, can ruin your day-to-day plans and leave you feeling depressed. Although vaccination is still the best approach to avoid influenza, there are other ways to lower your risk of contracting the illness and safeguard others around you. Three important influenza prevention techniques are discussed in this article: respiratory etiquette, social distancing, and hand hygiene.

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  1. Hand Sanitation: Your Initial Line of Protection
    Throughout the day, our hands come into contact with a variety of surfaces, and viruses can readily travel along with them. The key to stopping the spread of the flu and other infectious diseases is practicing good hand hygiene.

Regular hand washing: Give your hands a thorough 20-second wash with soap and water, especially before, during, and after food

  • preparation.
  • Prior to eating
  • Following a bathroom visit
  • Following a cough, sneeze, or blow of the nose
  • Following contact with surfaces in public areas such as lift buttons, handrails and doorknobs

Flu Prevention Tips

  • Hand sanitizers with alcohol content: Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol concentration if soap and water are not easily accessible. After rubbing your hands together until they are dry, apply it to your palms.
  • Refrain from touching your face: Viruses can enter your body through your mouth, nose, and eyes. Wait till your hands are clean before touching your face.

Flu Prevention Tips
You can greatly lower your chance of contracting influenza viruses from infected surfaces by washing your hands often.

  1. Respiratory Etiquette: Handle Your Sneezing and Coughing
    In order to stop the spread of respiratory diseases like the flu, coughing and sneezing correctly are considered parts of respiratory etiquette.

Whenever you cough or sneeze, always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. When there’s no tissue available, sneeze or cough into your elbow rather than your hands.
Tissues should be disposed of correctly. After use, throw them away right away in a trash can with liners.
After coughing or sneezing, wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
You can stop influenza virus-containing droplets from flying through the air and infecting other people by taking these easy precautions.

  1. Establishing Physical Space to Reduce Transmission through Social Distancing
    Social distancing is keeping a physical distance from other people in order to reduce the possibility of influenza viruses spreading through the air. The following are some techniques for social distancing:
  • Steer clear of close contact: Give sick people at least 6 feet, or roughly two arm lengths, of space.
  • Minimise crowded areas: Aim to stay away from busy areas like shopping centres, public transportation, and big gatherings during the busiest flu season.
  • Stay home when sick: When you are unwell, stay at home instead of going to work, school or nursery to prevent the infection from spreading to other people.
  • Minimise interaction with sick individuals: Refrain from having close contact with sick people, especially if they appear to be in moderate health.

Flu Prevention Tips
Social distance can dramatically lower the spread of influenza in communities, especially during the busiest flu season and during flu epidemics.

Combining Techniques to Provide the Best Defence

Flu Prevention Tips
The best results come from combining these three tactics: respiratory etiquette, social distancing, and hand hygiene. You can greatly lower your chance of contracting the flu and safeguard people around you by incorporating them into your regular routine.

Extra Advice:

Flu Prevention Tips

  • Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces: Particularly in shared areas, doorknobs, countertops, and light switches should all be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Keep up a healthy way of living: Managing stress, eating a healthy diet, and getting adequate sleep help strengthen your immune system and reduce your vulnerability to illnesses.

Flu Prevention Tips
Recall that vaccination is still the best defence against influenza. Nonetheless, combining vaccination with these preventative measures provides a multifaceted strategy to safeguard you and your community against influenza.


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