Star Ocean: The Second Story R Rena Opening Reimagined

The Second Story R Rena Opening : This is an old RPG called Star Ocean: The Second Story. It came out in 1998. The game was just remastered and will come out in 2023 for PS4, PS5, and PC. There are a lot of improvements in the remaster, such as new graphics, voice acting, and an all-new opening scene for Rena, one of the game’s two main characters.

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The first opening

The first part of Rena’s story is more like a movie trailer. It has a big orchestral score and detailed models of characters and environments. A strange glowing orb floating in space is shown at the beginning of the movie. The camera then moves in close on Rena, who is standing in a flower field. Rena sees the orb in the sky and a beam of light comes down at her. Rena starts to float as the beam of light wraps around her. After that, the camera moves out to show Rena floating high above the flower field.

The new start-up

The new beginning for Rena fits better with the anime style of the last part of the game. It has happier pop music, brighter colors, and character models that show more emotion. Rena is seen running through a forest in the first shot of the movie. The camera then cuts to Claude, the game’s other main character, who is also running through the forest. Claude gives Rena a sword when they meet again in the end. The camera then moves out to show Rena and Claude standing next to each other on a cliff with a view of the ocean.

Looking at the two openings side by side

The two ways Rena starts off are very different in style and tone. The first opening is more serious and cinematic, while the second one is more anime-style and fun. Both openings, though, do a good job of introducing Rena and the world of Star Ocean: The Second Story.

Which opening do you like best?

Personally, I like the new chance for Rena better. I like the way it looks better and the song is more catchy. But I can see why some fans might like the first opening better. The movie style makes it more cinematic and better shows off the game’s beautiful environments.

In conclusion

Star Ocean: The Second Story R is better with the new beginning for Rena. It’s a nice-looking and happy way to introduce the game and its main character. You should check it out whether you already play the game or this is your first time with the series.


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