Syphilis Cases Rising in Lane County Oregon?
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of syphilis cases in Lane County, Oregon, has been going up. 329 cases of syphilis were reported in Lane County in 2022, which is almost 100% more than the year before.
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Syphilis Cases Rising in Lane County Oregon?: More people getting syphilis in Lane County may be due to a number of different things. Inadequate sexual health care during the pandemic is one reason for this. During this time, a lot of people couldn’t get regular STI tests and treatment, which may have caused more people to go without being found with syphilis.
Another reason is the rise in risky sexual practices, like having sex with more than one person without protection. There are many things that could be causing this rise in dangerous sexual behavior, such as stress, social isolation, and more drug use
Syphilis Cases Rising in Lane County Oregon?: Finally, more people who are homeless may be a reason for the rise in syphilis cases in Lane County. There are a number of reasons why homeless people are more likely to get syphilis. These include not having access to sexual health services and more risky sexual practices.
There are a lot of things that Lane County Public Health is doing to deal with the rise in syphilis cases, such as
- Making it easier for people to get STI tests and treatment
- People should know about syphilis and how to avoid getting it.
- Working with community partners to change the things that lead to syphilis, like being poor and abusing drugs
- It’s important to remember that syphilis can be cured. If you think you might have syphilis, you should get checked out and treated right away. The best time to treat syphilis is when it is still early on.
How to stay away from syphilis
Syphilis Cases Rising in Lane County Oregon?
- To avoid getting syphilis, you can do a number of things:
- No matter your sexual preference or gender, you should always use a condom or another barrier method when you have sex.
- Check yourself for STIs often, especially if you’re dating someone new.
- Before you have sex, ask your partner if they have any STIs.