Taranaki measles case
Following the confirmation of a new case, Taranaki, New Zealand, has been deemed to be experiencing a measles epidemic. Te Whatu Ora is advising everyone who was on these flights to check the places of interest website to determine if they are at risk. The sick person flew on two Air New Zealand flights on 30 October.
Table of Contents
Measles is a highly contagious virus that can lead to encephalitis and pneumonia, among other dangerous side effects. Measles symptoms usually manifest 7–14 days following virus introduction and include:
- High temperature (38.5°C or above)
- Hurt
- swollen nose
- Conjunctivitis, or eye irritation
- a rash that often starts at the hairline and moves throughout the body
- It’s critical that you stay at home and call 0800 611 116 or your doctor if you suspect you may have measles.
The following advice can help prevent the measles:
- Verify that you have had the measles vaccination. The prevention of measles, mumps, and rubella is greatly enhanced by the MMR vaccine.
- Refrain from interacting with sick individuals.
- Use soap and water to often wash your hands.
- Make sure you have received the measles vaccination and take care to avoid coming into touch with sick people if you are visiting a nation where the disease is prevalent.
What to do if you were on the same plane as the person who contracted the measles:
Taranaki measles case: You should check the places of interest webpage to determine whether you are at danger if you were on Air New Zealand flight NZ29 from Houston, Texas, to Auckland on 30th October, or on Air New Zealand connecting flight NZ5035 from Auckland to New Plymouth on the same day.
Even if you don’t feel sick, you should still call your doctor or Healthline at 0800 611 116 if you have visited any of the interesting places mentioned on the page.
Why does this matter?
Taranaki measles case: The measles virus is extremely contagious and can be fatal, particularly in young children and those with compromised immune systems. You may help stop the measles from spreading and safeguard yourself and your loved ones by visiting the places of interest website and calling your doctor if you have been in danger.
What further precautions can you take against the measles?
Taranaki measles case: Vaccinating yourself against measles is the strongest defence against the illness. For all children and people over the age of twelve months, the MMR vaccine is advised due to its high level of safety and effectiveness.
Speak with your doctor if you are unsure if you have had the measles vaccination. If necessary, they can give you the MMR vaccine and review your immunisation history.
In summary Taranaki measles case
Taranaki measles case: The Taranaki measles outbreak serves as a timely reminder of the value of immunisation. See your doctor if you have not received the measles vaccination. You can help shield yourself and your loved ones from this dangerous disease by becoming vaccinated.