Alarming Discovery: 79% of Pakistanis with Diabetes Unaware of Their Condition

79% of Pakistanis in Diabetes dont know Condition

Surprisingly, a global study carried out by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has revealed a troubling fact: 79% of Pakistani citizens with diabetes do not know they have the disease. According to this startling figure, Pakistan is among the nations with the highest prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes, which presents serious health concerns and difficulties for the country’s healthcare system.

The report, titled “Atlas of Diabetes,” provides a startling overview of Pakistan’s diabetes pandemic. Pakistan is seventh in the world for the prevalence of diabetes, with an estimated 32.6 million people dealing with the chronic illness. But when you take into account the huge number of cases that go untreated, the actual scope of the issue becomes much more overwhelming.


Diabetes is not well known due to a number of reasons, such as poor access to healthcare facilities and a lack of knowledge about the disease’s risk factors and symptoms. Due to the increased risk of serious complications for those with undiagnosed diabetes, this knowledge and access gap puts extra demand on the already overburdened healthcare system, creating a vicious cycle.

The report draws attention to Pakistan’s startlingly high incidence of diabetes-related complications. In Pakistan, an estimated 40% of people with diabetes go on to experience consequences such kidney failure, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. These issues put a heavy financial strain on the healthcare system in addition to causing great misery for the affected people and their families.

The IDF has urgently urged for a multifaceted approach to address Pakistan’s diabetes issue in response to this frightening situation.

The group has underlined the necessity of (79% of Pakistanis in Diabetes dont know Condition):

  • Enhanced knowledge and instruction: Early identification and prevention of diabetes depend heavily on increasing public knowledge of the disease’s signs, causes, and treatment options.
  • Better access to healthcare services: For early diagnosis, treatment, and continued care, it is crucial to increase access to high-quality healthcare facilities and services, especially in rural regions.

Adopting policies that support a healthy lifestyle can help lower the risk of diabetes and its consequences. Examples of these policies include encouraging regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, and managing weight.

Investment in diabetes research (79% of Pakistanis in Diabetes dont know Condition):

Long-term solutions to the condition depend on funding research into novel and enhanced diabetes management, treatment, and prevention strategies.

The critical need for a coordinated effort to combat Pakistan’s diabetes epidemic is highlighted by the IDF’s suggestions. Pakistan can effectively address the increasing public health burden of diabetes and enhance the quality of life for millions of individuals affected by the disease by increasing awareness, enhancing access to healthcare, encouraging healthy lifestyles, and funding research.


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