Apple Selling Apple Podcast Ads on Original Shows
Advertisements on Apple Podcast Ad are reportedly being considered for sale. For the business, this would be a big change as it has always avoided selling advertisements on its own material. Apple’s goal to increase podcast revenue is probably what spurred the decision.
The popularity of podcasts has grown recently, and other podcast platforms like Spotify are becoming a bigger threat to Apple. One profitable way Apple could increase revenue from its podcast business is by charging for advertisements on its original podcasts. It is noteworthy, though, that certain podcast listeners might not be amenable to advertisements, particularly on original programs that they have grown accustomed to having without any.
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Potential advantages
Apple Selling Apple Podcast Ads on Original Shows
- Increase your podcast’s revenue stream.
- Increase funding for original podcast production and expand the audience for podcasts.
Possible disadvantages:
Apple Selling Apple Podcast Ads on Original Shows
- Diminish the experience of listening to podcasts
- Turn off some listeners of podcasts
- Provide rivals a competitive edge
- To sum up
It’s unclear if Apple will eventually choose to charge for advertisements on its own podcasts. Still, it will be interesting to see how podcast listeners respond if the company decides to go that route.
Consider yourself a podcast enthusiast who has been enjoying Apple’s original podcasts for a long time. You enjoy the excellent caliber of the content and have grown accustomed to these shows being free of advertisements. But then one day, the Apple Original Podcast you love begins to play advertisements. Describe your feelings.
At first, some listeners may find the advertisements annoying, but if they understand that the money is going toward creating more excellent content, they may be able to put up with them. Some listeners may become so enraged that they completely give up on Apple original podcasts.
Apple Selling Apple Podcast Ads on Original Shows In the end, Apple’s decision to sell advertisements on its original podcasts is a business one. Before making a choice, the business ought to give careful thought to how it might affect its listeners.