Asian Longhorned Tick A Deadly Threat to Cattle
A devastating hazard to cattle, the Asian longhorned tick (ALT) is rapidly spreading throughout Ohio. Although the tick is indigenous to East Asia, it was only found in the United States in 2017. Since then, it has extended to 17 states, Ohio included.
Farmers are concerned about the ALT because it can spread several diseases, including as bovine anaplasmosis and babesiosis, to cattle. These illnesses have the potential to sicken and kill livestock.
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What is the longhorned Asian tick?
The ALT is a tiny, brown tick that resembles a sesame seed in size. Its head is covered with long, recognisable horns. The ALT is capable of feeding on a wide range of hosts, such as horses, deer, and cattle.
How is the ALT sent over the air?
When the ALT clings to a host and feeds on its blood, it spreads. The tick may cling to its victim for a few days or even weeks at a time. The tick can infect the host with diseases during this period.
What signs and symptoms accompany anaplasmosis and babesiosis in cattle?
The degree of infection affects the symptoms of both cattle anaplasmosis and bovine babesiosis. Typically, symptoms consist of:
- Tempest Lethargy
- Ahememia
- Loss of weight Death
How can farmers defend against the ALT for their cattle?
Since there is no vaccine against either bovine anaplasmosis or bovine babesiosis, farmers are forced to use alternative strategies to keep their cattle safe from ALT tick attacks. Among these techniques are:
Applying acaricides and insect repellents to cattle Consistently checking cattle for ticks and eliminating those that are discovered
Steer clear of grazing animals in regions known to be home to ALT ticks
What to do in the event that your cattle have an ALT tick
Remove any ALT ticks you find on your cattle right away and get in touch with your veterinarian. Grasp the tick as near to the head as you can with a pair of tweezers, then pull it straight up to remove it. Avoid twisting or crushing the tick since this may cause additional pathogens to enter the animal’s body.
In summary Asian Longhorned Tick A Deadly Threat to Cattle
In Ohio, cattle are seriously threatened by the ALT tick. By applying acaricides and tick repellents, checking cattle often for ticks, and avoiding grazing livestock in regions where the ALT tick is known to be present, farmers can protect their cattle from this tick.