Move for Life: Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention & Survivorship

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Physical Activity and Cancer

Move Your Body, Boost Your Health: Exercise as a Preventative and Healing Strategy for Cancer

A healthy lifestyle is centred on physical activity. However, its advantages go well beyond controlling weight. Exercise on a regular basis is essential for cancer survival as well as prevention. This blog post delves into the potential of exercise, offering perspectives on how mobility might enhance your health journey.

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Move for Life: Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention & Survivorship 6

Exercise’s Preventive Power: Reducing Your Risk of Cancer

Physical Activity and Cancer
Regular physical activity has been demonstrated in studies to dramatically lower your chance of developing a number of malignancies, including:

  • Breast cancer
  • colon cancer
  • Endometrial cancer
  • pancreas cancer
  • Cancer of the lung
  • stomach cancer
  • bladder cancer
  • renal cancer

How Physical Activity Guards You

Physical Activity and Cancer

There are various ways that physical activity can prevent the development of cancer, such as:

  • Decreased Hormone Levels: Exercise lowers hormone levels that are linked to cancer risk, such as insulin and oestrogen.
  • Better Immune Function: Exercising on a regular basis fortifies your immune system and increases its capacity to combat aberrant cells.
  • Weight management: Exercise lowers the risk of obesity by helping a person maintain a healthy weight.
  • Decreased Inflammation: Chronic inflammation has been connected to the development of cancer.

Exercise can reduce this inflammation.

Past Precaution: Accepting Exercise Throughout and After Cancer Treatment

Physical Activity and Cancer
Not only is physical activity good for cancer prevention, but it’s also very important for cancer treatment and recovery:

  • Better Tolerance of Treatment: Frequent exercise helps patients better handle the adverse effects and exhaustion associated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer.
  • Decreased Risk of Recurrence: For some cancer types, physical activity may reduce the chance of a recurrence.
  • Better Quality of Life: Both during and after treatment, exercise improves mood, energy levels, and general well-being.

Beginning Safely and Gradually:

Physical Activity and Cancer

Regardless of your level of experience, it’s imperative to start off cautiously and build duration and intensity gradually to prevent damage. Before beginning any new fitness regimen, especially if you are receiving cancer treatment, speak with your doctor. Based on your unique requirements and degree of fitness, they can assist you in developing a safe and customised workout programme.

Choosing Pleasurable Activities: Creating Sustainable Exercise

Physical Activity and Cancer
Select enjoyable activities that you can include into your routine for long-term advantages. Here are a few choices:

  • Walking is an easy and effective strategy to keep moving. Take modest walks at first, then progressively longer and farther walks.
  • Swimming is a low-impact, arthritic-friendly form of exercise. Perfect for people in pain or recuperating from surgery.
  • Cycling: is an enjoyable way to raise your heart rate. Depending on your preferences, consider going on outdoor or indoor cycling rides.
  • Strength Training: Increasing your muscle mass helps speed up your metabolism and raise your level of fitness in general. Use appropriate form and start with smaller weights.

Pilates and yoga are mind-body exercises that enhance strength, flexibility, and stress relief.

Getting Encouragement and Support:

Physical Activity and Cancer

  • Join a Support Group for Cancer with an Exercise Emphasis: Numerous cancer support groups provide fitness regimens or walking groups exclusively for cancer patients and survivors.
  • Join Forces with a Friend or Relative: It can be beneficial to exercise with someone to keep you accountable and motivated.
  • Web-Based Resources: A plethora of online resources provide fitness regimens, workout videos, and advice for novices or individuals with particular needs.

Embrace Life, Embrace Movement: The Activating Power of Exercise

Physical Activity and Cancer
Engaging in physical activity is an effective strategy for cancer survivorship as well as prevention. You can dramatically lower your risk of cancer, have a better treatment outcome, and feel better overall if you exercise on a regular basis. Never forget that you may always start moving your body and taking charge of your health journey at any time.

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